Friday 5+1 (5 Things I Love + 1 Thing I Don’t)

Happy Friday! 

Hope you’re staying warm wherever you are.  It’s been crazy cold here, and I’m so done with winter.  Bring on the Spring!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a 5+1, so I have some fun things to share this week! 

Funky iPhone CasesI had been using my husband’s clunky old Otterbox for my phone, and it just wasn’t cutting it.  Functional?  Yes.  Pretty?  Notsomuch.  Enter CasesbyCsera on Etsy.

They are handmade and both beautiful and functional.  I got mine a couple of weeks ago and I love it!  (NOTE: If you do purchase, make sure to choose the “Express Shipping” option, as this shop is located overseas, and your order will take much longer to get here if you go with standard shipping.)

I mentioned in a previous 5+1 post about how much I’m enjoying my FitBit.  I got an email from FitBit, telling me about a new app called Rise.  To describe Rise in a nutshell – it’s like having a nutritionist in your pocket.  

You work with a registered dietitian, one-on-one through the app, to help you reach your goals.  You take pictures of your meals and upload them through the app, where your nutritionist reviews them, and offers feedback and suggestions.  

For a girl who has “food issues”, let me tell you, I’m loving this app.  I need accountability, and having daily accountability from an expert, has been wonderful.  

My nutritionist has given me snack and meal suggestions, grocery lists, support and insight, and my first week I lost 3.5 pounds.  I workout regularly (and intensely), but needed to get my food in check.  With Rise, it is!  I’m focusing on getting over my all or nothing attitude when it comes to food and not throwing all of my hard work away because I eat a couple of cookies.

If you’re interested in learning more about it – check it out here.
(Full disclosure, if you join, I get a $10 credit towards my Rise subscription.  But, I’m sharing it because I really love it – I’ve already had two of my best friends sign up, so we’re all in it together.)

Good Samaritans
A couple weeks ago, I got a phone call from the police, telling me that a someone had found our dog wandering around near a busy road, despite having his collar on for our invisible fencing to keep him contained.  Apparently, the zapper wasn’t turned up high enough.  Anyway, I posted to our local city Facebook page thanking the anonymous good samaritans for calling the police to get him home.  Lo and behold, they read it and responded.  The wife said that her husband wouldn’t have slept without getting him to his rightful owner.  I swear, this sweet rescue dog has nine lives, and we’re thankful to have him home safe and sound.  He goes practically invisible in the dark!

Being Nominated
I know you’re all familiar with Jennifer Rizzo’s Holiday House Walk.  A huge blogger tour of homes decorated for the holidays.  I submitted my holiday house tour, in the hopes of being included in next year’s tour, and I’m a finalist.  No, I didn’t win, but I’m one of the runner’s up, so there’s still a chance.  In the spirit of Oscar weekend, I will say that it’s truly an honor just to be nominated. 🙂

The Real Houses of Instagram
Do you follow The Real Houses of IG on Instagram (@the_real_houses_of_ig)?  If you don’t, you need to start.  I’m always captivated by the beautiful rooms they share on their feed.

Just a little something pretty to look at in your Instagram feed each day. 🙂

The +1 Thing I Don’t Like – Cabin Fever
My kids have been off of school all week for snow and/or cold.  I’m over it.  Need a quiet house again.  An arbitrary snow day here and there is great.  But a week’s worth? Notsomuch.

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Lisa @ Shine Your Light
    February 23, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    Congrats on the Jennifer Rizzo Housewalk finalist! That's fun. I am so over the cold and winter too. Next year I definitely need a warm weather destination to look forward to all winter. Spring can't come soon enough!!

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