Friday 5+1 (5 Things I Love + 1 Thing I Don’t) – 3.24.2016


It’s been a super crazy week here this week – I finished up a kitchen, I’m working on some furniture pieces, and I have more kitchens lined up, plus the kiddos are going to be off on spring break.  And my allergies are in overhaul – good times living in what feels like the Allergy Capital of the Country.  O-h-i-o.

Here are some of my favorite finds that I’m excited to share with you!  This post contains some affiliate links.

Surbuf Polishing Pads

I’m working on a console table for a client, and am experimenting with different finishes in the process, including different waxes.  Typically I don’t use a lot of waxes, but this piece warranted it.  I discovered these Surbuf Polishing Pads that attach to my orbital sander, and gently buff the wax finish to make it look even more beautiful.  Really cool idea!


Here is a peek at the piece that I’m working on so you can see how it looks after buffing:

Surbuf Polishing Pads

Minwax Polyshades

Remember how I told you about the “toning” technique when it comes to staining?  As a refresher, I mix stain and poly together when I spray it on furniture pieces.  It is nice to dilute the stain a bit so you can do a couple of coats without it getting over-saturated on the first coat, and it gives you some poly built in from the beginning, making for a stronger finish when you’re done. Well, Minwax has the same idea, with their Polyshades line of spray finishes.  It’s a stain and poly all in one!  You’re welcome.


Scrub Daddy

Sometimes it’s the little things that make me happy.  Like this Scrub Daddy scrubber.  I got it in my stocking from my mom last year, and this little scrubber gets the job done!

scrub daddy

Cute Wedding Coasters

I spotted these at my local Fleurish store, and thought they were a great idea for a wedding reception.  I swear, weddings have changed so much since I got married, it hardly seems fair.  I think once we celebrate 25 years, I should get to have another wedding (same husband, of course), but with all of the cool things that are out there today!  Including these fun coasters that offer marriage words of wisdom.


Cute Tea Towels

I shared some of these awhile back (also from Fleurish), but they had a bunch of new ones the last time I was there.  So. much. fun.



My +1 for the week can be summed up with one picture:


Have a beautiful Easter weekend!




  • Reply
    March 25, 2016 at 9:38 am

    I will have to look into some of your favorites. I like the idea of the buffing pad to use with the sander, let the sander do the work, no more sore arms. LOL
    And regarding the +1, UGH!!!!!

    • Reply
      March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am

      The buffing pads are really handy! They just smooth everything out give it a really polished look. And the +1 – don’t even get me started…

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