Friday 5+1 {5 Things I Love + 1 Thing I Don’t}

Happy Friday!

I hope you’ve had a great week and are ready to roll into the weekend.  To kick things off, it’s time for another Friday 5+1.

A Pristine 50’s Kitchen
This one has been floating around the net, but it’s too neat not to share.  Have you seen this 1950’s time capsule of a kitchen?  It’s neat to see a kitchen like this in its original condition vs. in a home that’s been “lived in” over that same period of time.

House of Cards
My husband and I got hooked on House of Cards when it was first released by Netflix in 2013.  Brilliant move to release all 13 episodes at once, Netflix.  You knew my binge-watching tendencies, and had me hook, line and sinker.  The latest season was released today, and I obviously need more hobbies.

Soda Blasting
Again, perhaps I need to find new interests, and I don’t even know how I stumbled upon this, but it’s just plain cool.  Soda blasting uses sodium bicarbonate (aka, baking soda) to remove paint and varnish from furniture (or even paint from cars).  I need a soda blaster, that’s all I’m saying.  It takes varnish off this intricate piece like it’s nothing, and it doesn’t damage the surface like sand blasting would.

Old Photos
My grandmother is 93 years old, and I know I’m very lucky to have had her in my life for so long.  The last time we visited, she had this photo on her fridge, and I just love it.

That’s my adorable Gram as a kid, and there is just something about old photos like this that I find irresistible.  In today’s digital world, I worry that traditional photos often get lost, you know?

Clean Hardwood Floors
During the winter, it seems like our hardwoods take more of a beating than usual, in spite of my best efforts.  Our ginormous dog is the biggest culprit, as he loves to go outside and eat enjoy the snow, and track wet, muddy paw prints into the house.

When the kind people at Libman offered to send me some of their products, I took them up on their offer, as I’m always looking for ways to keep my floors clean – especially my hardwoods, since they seem to show the dirt the most.

This is my favorite thing about their products – the cleaner comes in a concentrated form, and you add water to it to clean.  Definitely lasts a lot longer!

My floors like it too:

They were kind enough to offer a coupon for $2.00 off for you to download here and try it for yourself.
(While Libman provided complimentary products, the opinions are my own.)
My +1 for the week – Box Jumps
I workout regularly, and am a big fan of the Cross Fit-esque classes that are offered at my gym.  However, I’m not such a big fan of box jumps.  It’s pretty self-explanatory, but here is a visual.  You jump on the metal box with the pointy edges.  Sounds simple enough right?

In my defense, we were doing 20 box jumps, and I bit it on my very. last. one.  Sadly, this isn’t the first time this has happened.  I’m a slow learner.

Have a great weekend!

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Cassie @ Primitive & Proper
    February 27, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    OMG i used to love to do box jumps at the gym. but i don't trust myself anymore!

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