Friday 5+1 (5 Things I Love + 1 Thing I Don’t) – Special Edition

Hello friends,

On Fridays, I share my 5+1 posts – a culmination of things that I’ve seen and tucked away that I think you all will find interesting, along with one thing that I don’t like (lightbulbs, cereal boxes, clean clothes in my dirty laundry basket).  This week, I’m still sharing it, but with the events that have transpired here over the past week, it’s really given me some perspective, so this week’s list will be a little different.  Bear with me.

On Monday, my parents were involved in a horrible accident (out of state, no less), while we had just made our way to the beach for vacation.  Long story short, they were rear ended by a semi, and were then pushed into the vehicle in front of them.  On the interstate.  Where cars and trucks move fast.


I received a phone call from a hospital social worker, informing me of this event, telling me that my parents were “ok”, but that my dad was being flown to a larger hospital, and that my mom needed a ride, so they needed the phone numbers of some family in the area to make arrangements to get her there (since they didn’t have their phones due to the accident).  Yes, my mom was treated and released, thank goodness.


Social Media

While social media can be exasperating at times (passive/aggressive posts or vague “poor me” posts, drive me crazy), I have to give snaps to social media, as putting a shout out on Facebook was the way that I was able to get the phone numbers of my aunts, uncles and cousins who were thankfully, in the area to help.


Guardian Angels

I don’t know about you, but I am a firm believer in guardian angels, and I believe they were out in full force, protecting my parents from what could have been the worst case scenario.  Even the guy at the towing place couldn’t believe that the passengers in the car (which used to be a Honda Accord), survived.  Angels are among us.



While we’re on the subject of the fact that this car was a Honda, my mom’s words sum it up – “That Honda saved our lives.”  Indeed it did.  Thank you Honda for building a car that saved my parents’ lives under horrifying circumstances.  My dad was released from the hospital on Wednesday – still pretty beat up and in a significant amount of pain, but no broken bones or any life threatening injuries.

Hospital Staff

Being that I don’t work in the medical community and don’t know the protocol, I can’t tell you how thankful I am that they have procedures in place to reach out to family members during a time of crisis.  I spoke with the social worker from one hospital, and the chaplain from the second hospital, and they were so calm and reassuring, walking me through what was happening.  That’s especially helpful when you’re hours and hours away, and feeling completely helpless.  Thank you for all that you do.

Family and Friends that RALLY

As horrible as this accident was, situations like this really bring out the best in people, which reinforces my fundamental belief that people are good.  I can’t tell you how many people reached out to me with prayers, support, and offerings of help (some even offering to drive 5-6 hours out of state to pick up my parents and drive them home).  It’s a true testament to who they are, as well as the people with whom they surround themselves.  We have a great tribe of family and friends, and we have all been blown away at the outpouring of love and support that they brought forth in a time of crisis.

50 anniversary

Celebrating 50 years of marriage – 2015

My +1 for the week – distracted drivers.  I’ll leave it at that.

Drive SAFELY and have a wonderful weekend my friends.



  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 8:16 am

    Jenny, what a terrifying ordeal to go through. It is clear God had His mighty hand there to protect your parents. Nothing short of a miracle! I’m so glad for you that your parents are ok.

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 10:07 am

    Wow! God is great!

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Oh my goodness! So happy they are safe. Guardian Angels are the BEST!

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    Something like this is such a hard thing to deal with anyway, but to be managing details from afar makes it worse. Such a stressful time for all but so glad that their Honda, along with a guardian angel or two, kept them safe enough for you to hug and kiss them again.

  • Reply
    Mary Lou Spang
    July 29, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    That was beautiful what you wrote. Angels are among us and we should all believe in them. Thank God your parents are okay. You have a wonderful family. Prayers and hugs,

  • Reply
    Dot ziegler
    July 29, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Jenny, so glad that your parents are ok. I know that ther’re are many guardian angels out there who step up to help when needed.

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    Oh Jenny!! I am so sorry to hear of
    this horrifying accident! I’m so glad your mom is okay and I hope your dad is going to be as well. How awful for all of you.

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 2:40 pm

    Seeing the photos of your parents car just brought tears to my eyes….yes, Guardian angels are among us all the time, I do believe that. Thank God for being with your parents at that moment, and yes – thank you Honda for building that Accord with high safety standards….! I can only imagine what you must have felt receiving that call – again, thank God it has all worked out so well, and your parents are safe…..

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    I lost my parents in a car accident. There would be no reason to believe they had any less guardian angels as yours but sadly, reality is that it is all about luck. They were no less special. I am very happy to see that your parents were lucky!

    • Reply
      August 1, 2016 at 11:12 am

      Amy I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your parents, and hope I didn’t imply that mine were any more special than anyone elses. My brother passed away nearly nine years ago, so I always feel like he is watching out for us, and in this case, for my parents. My mom told me that she thought she was going to die in that accident, and they certainly realize how lucky they are to be alive.

  • Reply
    July 29, 2016 at 8:32 pm

    Oh, Jenny! I’m so happy that your parents are okay. Praise God! And you are right, even with all the bad in the world there are good people who will help.

  • Reply
    July 30, 2016 at 6:44 am

    Goodness, what a terribly scary ordeal for all of you! I am so grateful that your parents, while battered and bruised and no doubt, quite shaken up, are going to be okay. Having worked in the medical field for many years myself, I am proud of the medical community for comforting your parents and providing top notch care. There are so many unsung heroes who work quietly behind the scenes without getting or even expecting a thank you. My husband is in his car – a Honda Accord- every day for work. It helps to know that one much like it played a part in saving their lives. And it was built right here in Ohio:) Lately, I have noticed more and more people texting while driving, talking on their phones and just being generally distracted. I wish more would come to their senses and realize that it only takes a fraction of a second to end a life this way. Nothing is worth risking that. Prayeres for a speedy and complete recovery for both your parents, as well as for you, because I’m sure this must have shaken you to the core.

  • Reply
    July 30, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    WOW I can’t believe what their car looked like. I am so happy they are alive. I truly believe we all have Guardian Angels and I ask mine for help all the time. She probably will be glad to get rid of me one day.

  • Reply
    July 30, 2016 at 8:05 pm

    I was in a horrible car accident and I was driving my parent’s Honda and my injuries were pretty minor. When I bought my own car I bought a Honda. Which was totaled 10 years later in a car accident. I emerged unscathed and bought another (upgraded) Honda. While my friends were buying cool cars, I was ecstatic to be driving my safe Honda.

  • Reply
    Karen A.
    August 1, 2016 at 7:12 pm


    Wow!! Thank you for sharing this miracle with us and giving your readers a chance to rejoice with you, and to pray for them, you and your family!! OMGosh!! I can only imagine the helplessness you felt! The system the hospital had in place is amazing and I’m thrilled that your FB pleas brought about swift action! We bought a Honda Accord late last year and after reading the other comments, and seeing the pics of their former “car” , and hearing that they have walked away with only minor injuries, I’m glad we did! Also, thank you for sharing their picture. They’re adorable!!

    Fifteen years ago, before we were married & not dating/courting, my husband Michael fell 80 FEET over a cliff! He was airlifted to a trauma hospital and apart from a nasty cut on his forehead, he walked away unbroken in body (though his head did swell a lot!). When he tells the story, he still gets teary-eyed because the truth of Psalm 139:16 became real to him – that all of the days ordained for him were written before he was born. Without a shadow of a doubt, Michael knew his purpose on this earth was not yet fulfilled AND that it wasn’t his time. It wasn’t your parents time and yes, they were protected. Praise God! God sends His Angels all the time to guard and guide us, and certainly, He was your parents Protector. I shudder to think of all the “near misses” I have no idea about. My heart goes out to Amy on this thread, for the understandable grief and questions. I’m also sorry for your brother’s passing nine years ago… Grief is never really done, but hopefully, time has helped soften the pain of loss for you, Amy and any other readers….

    Please keep us posted!

  • Reply
    Shelley @ Calypso in the Country
    August 8, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    Jenny, I am so glad your parents will be okay! How terrifying! I can’t believe what that car looks like. They are very lucky and I am sure someone was watching over them! So nice to meet you briefly at Haven! My head is still spinning from the whole experience! Have a great week!

    • Reply
      August 9, 2016 at 1:36 pm

      It was so great to meet you too Shelley! I wish we could have caught up and chatted more – maybe next year! 🙂

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