Welcome! If you’re here from Bloom in the Black or follow along regularly – welcome! Today is the last day of our 2020 Holiday Home Tour, and I hope you’ve been inspired in some way to take some ideas and incorporate them in your own home. I always find things that I tuck away for future reference, and we have a whole Pinterest Board filled with them, if you want to check it out yourself.
For today, I’m sharing my son’s bedroom. He’s currently off at college, but will be home soon, so he’ll come home to a festive space (that will be wrecked in a matter of hours, no doubt). He’ll probably be pegged as the “golden child” since I did his room and not the others. But, the fact is that his room was the most Christmas-ready home in the house at the moment. 🙂
I played around with a couple of pillows, but my daughter voted on the North Pole Ski Patrol photo. Although I still kind of like the “All roads lead home at Christmas”, when we’re talking about a college kid being home for Christmas. 🙂 The wreaths are from IKEA (I bought them years ago). They’ve seen several different styles and typically, I have them downstairs in the basement. But they’re a perfect trio above the headboard.
I took the opportunity to hang some of the kids’ favorite ornaments in here, since I did a custom Christmas tree this year, and my daughter loved it. Lots of fun memories tied to those annual ornaments.
A couple of Christmas inspired items on his dresser. Simple is the name of the game when it comes to boys, you know.
But the way the light reflects in the mirror, and how this room looks at night – there’s just something magical about it. Christmas trees just do that.
I also added a little holiday detail to his sink area. Apparently, I should have bought a bath rug weeks ago, because there were none to be found that were halfway cute. It turned into a quest to find one that I actually liked! It was one of those last minute things that I didn’t expect to be so difficult to find. That’s my special skill – hunting all over town for some random item that is in short supply.
Hope on over to Dixie Delights for the next stop on the tour!
Full tour below here in case you missed anything!
Monday, November 30th (Front Porch/Outdoor Spaces)
Southern Hospitality | Setting for Four | Southern State of Mind | Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss | Most Lovely Things | Cindy Hattersley Design | The Creativity Exchange
Tuesday, December 1st (Entries/Dining Rooms)
11 Magnolia Lane | Home by Heidi | A Stroll Thru Life | This is Our Bliss | Summer Adams
Wednesday, December 2nd (Living Rooms/Dens)
11 Magnolia Lane | Evolution of Style | Dixie Delights | Jessica Welling Interiors | Sincerely, Marie Designs | Classic Casual Home
Thursday, December 3rd (Kitchens/Laundry Rooms/Misc.)
Citrine Living | Quarters One | Style House Interiors | A Blissful Nest | Painted by Kayla Payne | A Stroll Thru Life
Friday, December 4th (Master Bedroom/Kid’s Rooms)
Sincerely, Marie Designs | Pink Peppermint Designs | The Heathered Nest | Bloom in the Black | Evolution of Style | Dixie Delights
1 Comment
Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane
December 4, 2020 at 10:56 amSuch a great space to come home to! Ours arrives tomorrow morning from the States and then gets to quarantine for 10 days…so I definitely “fluffed” his room a bit, too. Enjoy the time with your family back together! XO, Christy