I’m thrilled to have Julie from Etsy Stalkers as my guest post for today. I think I have become a stalker of Etsy Stalkers – not only for the great Etsy finds that she blogs about, but for her hilarious sense of humor and writing style. (I admit to reading some of her posts to my husband via my iPhone, while driving on vacation and giggling like a school girl). The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?
See for yourself. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I go out to lunch, I spend money. I stay in for lunch, I spend money.
Darn you money! You so crazy. Why does money always seem to get in the way of buying things? Lame. This totally unique problem I have is why I decided to launch a shiny new feature on Etsy Stalkers called ‘Stalking Stuffers’.
What is ‘Stalking Stuffers’ you ask? It’s a weekly feature on my favorite etsy store that offers items for under $20. Hey, that’s less than you’ll spend at Friday lunch, you know the one that comes with alcohol. What? It’s not just me that drinks at lunch, is it? AWKWARD.
For my very first ‘Stalking Stuffer’ I’d love you to meet Simple Joys Decor. This shop sells pillows, lots and lots of pillows. And I love me some throw pillows. Best of all, they’re totally priced under $20. Me likey, me likey a lot.
I don’t want to make any assumptions, but I’m thinking these pillows could change your life. OK, maybe not, but they will change the room where you spend a good part of your life. That counts, right?
July 11, 2011 at 2:10 pmoh very cute!
July 11, 2011 at 2:59 pmShe sounds very funny. I will have to check out her blog. Thanks!
HI. I'm Julie. The Stalker.
July 11, 2011 at 7:44 pmThanks for having me!!!
the cape on the corner
July 11, 2011 at 8:03 pmooh-i definitely need to look into her blog. i love me some etsy, but it's hard to look at everything! there's just so much!