Mission: Pantry Organization

The Pantry.  A space that gets more visits than most rooms in our home.  How many times do your kids venture in and out, looking for something to eat?  More times than I can count (especially in the summer months).  Pantry organization seems to be an ongoing maintenance project, but if you get some basic organizational structures in place, it seems to make it a little easier.

Let’s start with a quick side by side, before and after shot:

Now, let’s break it down a bit.  I have to give a shout out to Toni at A Bowl Full of Lemons (thus my lemon tribute in the photos), for being an Organizational Yoda to those of us who are somewhat organizationally challenged.  Her site is chock full of tips and tricks, as well as plethora of drool-worthy organizational photos to inspire you into action.

Take Everything Out

First, I pulled all of my stuff out of the pantry (and was astounded at how much crap was in there!).  Then, I bucketed items into common groups and loaded up on bins, baskets and containers to put them in, so that they’re easy to find and most importantly, stay organized.

The baskets are perfect for holding microwave popcorn.  The XOX containers are perfect for snacks, crackers, nuts – you name it. 

Hide the Cookbooks with Style

I used magazine holders to store my cookbooks and cooking magazines, so that they are more visually appealing vs. willy nilly all over the place.

I moved the canned goods to the right, and it seems to make more sense and hopefully will keep can clutter to a minimum the next time I go to the grocery.

I found some cute containers with chalkboard labels already on them.  I’m planning on getting more labels for my bins and baskets, so that there is no question where things are and where they belong!

The real trick is going to be keeping my kids out of the snacks that are intended for lunches.  I’m already seeing the supply decline more quickly than it should.  But locking up snacks in my pretty pantry would just ruin the whole look!

Do you struggle keeping your pantry organized?  What helps you keep it all from getting out of control?
Sources for my containers, bins and baskets:
– The aqua chevron bin is from Target


  • Reply
    marty (A Stroll Thru Life)
    August 20, 2013 at 1:56 pm

    Wow, this looks amazing. I love all of the baskets and jars, so organized. Great tips. I would love for you to link this to my ongoing Inspire Me party. http://www.astrollthrulife.net Hugs, marty

  • Reply
    August 22, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Jenny, your pantry looks fabulous. Isn't it such a great feeling to organize a space like this. I sleep better at night knowing my pantry has just been organized! Ha, sad but true. Hope you guys had a great start to the school year.

  • Reply
    Donna Wilkes
    September 3, 2013 at 12:21 am

    This is so impressive! I have dreams of being this organized.

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