Well, now that the clocks have sprung forward, Mother Nature seems to have gotten the memo to kick Old Man Winter out the door (for now, anyway). It’s amazing to me what some warm weather and sunshine can do for my mood and energy level!
So, I’m starting to get my rear in gear and am adding some simple spring infusions to my home to perk it up a bit as well. I don’t go crazy with spring decorating like I do for the holidays, but it’s still nice to brighten things up a bit.
Since painting my great room, foyer, hallways and kitchen, the hallway to the kids’ rooms has remained sadly barren. I had a small gallery wall there before, but was looking to do something new. I had pictures cluttering up the hallway for too long, and the urge to perk things up for a new season, finally got the ball rolling.
The inspiration was a collection of butterfly prints that I found at IKEA. They just felt like “Spring” for me and they were $9.99 for a set of three.
So here it stood, for months – empty and sad.
But hey, what a great paint job, right? 😉
How about a little trip down memory lane while we’re here? Here’s this space shortly after I painted it the first time, but before we had the hardwood floors installed. Side note: the blue paint color was supposed to be Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore, but it looks more baby blue in this photo (and I remember having issues with the paint people getting the color right, which apparently it never really was).
After the floors were installed:
And here it is now. I love the arrangement as it is now. And I will say that this gallery wall was not one that was planned out like some of my other gallery walls. I just let it come together as I went, and I’m really happy with the result. It’s neutral overall, but with bits of color in some of the photos and the addition of the boxwood wreaths. And it all ties together nicely with my Bargains and Buyouts rug that I scored for less than $20.
You can even see a peek of what it looked like not long after we moved in. Lots of color changes have occurred in this house in just over four years of living here. But I love each stage and each chapter.
Are you addicted to changing your home’s interiors like I am? It’s fun, especially since a change like this one with the wall, didn’t really cost me anything overall. I had the artwork (except the butterfly prints), and it was just a matter of shifting things around a bit. What’s not to love about that?
I hope you’re enjoying some Spring weather where you are!
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