Hello friends!
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I thought I would share my five favorite things about the month of May. I know yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, but my favorite things about May are still valid, even on Seis de Mayo (that would be May 6th)…
1. Spring is in full bloom
If you follow Mother Nature’s lead for color inspiration, she won’t let you down – especially in transitional months like Spring and Fall. I have developed a serious color crush on lavender and green as a result.
Such a fresh look, don’t you think?
2. Summer is Near
While summer doesn’t “officially” start until June, we all know that it kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, which means lots of outdoor entertaining. I love outdoor parties when the weather warms up, and with the advent of Pinterest, the ideas abound.
casasugar.com |
ana-rosa.tumblr.com |
Even some lavender and green on this lovely dining table…
3. Mother’s Day
One of the greatest gifts in my life is being a mother, and I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful role model in my own mother. And now I know what she means when she said all she wanted for Mother’s Day was good kids. But pretty flowers are always nice too, right?
4. Time to Plant
I love planting my pots and getting my garden started, and am always rewarded by watching my flowers blossom and my vegetables grow. I never tire of it, and can’t wait to enjoy some garden ripen tomatoes with some home grown basil and fresh mozzarella, drizzled with some good balsamic vinegar, of course. Nothing better.
5. Outdoor Fun
May brings consistent warm weather (at least more consistent than April around here), which means more time for outdoor fun. And it’s also a good time to start thinking about summer activities with the kids. Now that I’m home full-time, I’m starting to make a list so that we don’t kill each other get bored.
Lemonade stands are a staple of summertime fun, and I am itching to make this one that I saw in
Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine. I love that it has wheels too, and could imagine the girls in the neighborhood pushing this thing all over town. How stinking cute is that?
If money is no object, pick up one of these for a cool $2000.
I’m thinking I might need to try an outdoor scavenger hunt this year too.
Do you have favorites for the month of May too?

I’m Jenny, a wife of 28 years, mother of three, and a corporate drop-out. I’m a creative minded blogger, business owner and DIYer, and love transforming furniture, cabinets and rooms in my home. I’m a card carrying paint geek, and am always amazed at the power of paint in making budget-friendly updates to your home. I’m a serial house-stalker, and never tire of a great home tour or a before and after renovation. I’m a firm believer in restyling, refreshing and renewing things in your home to make it your own - without breaking the budget. I’ll show you how!
Ellie VanCaster
May 6, 2013 at 3:11 pmI too love the early signs of spring-this is my first here and my sister and I planted so many wonderful things I brought from the farm. I see signs of growth in most of them already and I'm thrilled.
Sounds like you have lots of good ideas to enjoy the summer with your children.
I think that's great because it always amazed me how quickly the years passed with the boys.
Cyndy Aldred
May 6, 2013 at 11:24 pmOh my gosh Jenny, I swear you and I are sisters from another Mother! Everything you shared I just love! I have been looking at all of the pretty lavender linen print fabrics coming out and thinking that it would be fun to incorporate! That purple and green just looks so beautiful. Thanks for all of the eye candy.
Lisa @ Shine Your Light
May 10, 2013 at 10:28 amI am with you on feeling so inspired by the outdoors, warmer weather, and all the good times they hold! I've been working in my yard for two weeks straight. My lilacs are just about to bloom and I'm so excited after seeing those pics you posted! Enjoy this lovely time of year and your freedom to use the time as you wish!