It’s time to reassess and examine the things I want to work on in 2013, on both a “Project Home” level as well as a “Project Me” level. I really loved how Lisa at Shine Your Light, laid out a bunch of ideas across a broad life spectrum – from dealing with teenage angst, to sledge hammering a tile floor.
That’s my kind of list, you know? While 25 goals may seem like a lot, I think these are pretty doable. So, here we go, in no particular order…
Get organized. Start small, but organize something every day.
Don’t shy away from new challenges because you’re afraid.
Stop procrastinating – do it now.
Watch less TV.
Read more.
Be consistent and follow through.
Redo my husband’s office to his taste, which may not necessarily be my own.
Hubby’s office before we moved in. |
Remove wallpaper.
Invite friends over more often, even if the house is a wreck.
Let the little things go – remember the big picture.
Sign up my 7 year-old for piano lessons.
Make the master bathroom my our own.
Take better care of my skin – spend the money on good products.
Plan family meals.
Create a command center for the household.
Dreamy, isn’t it? |
Continue random acts of kindness throughout the year.
Embrace the ages and stages of my children.
Make my home office as organized and efficient as possible.
Splurge on things that matter.
Corral the laundry and make the laundry room a happier place.
If only my laundry room always looked like this… |
Quit being a control freak. Delegate.
Teach my children to value hard work and to take pride in the work they do.
Learn something new.
Don’t take family for granted.
Show appreciation.
So, there you have it! Have you set any goals for 2013? Do tell!

I’m Jenny, a wife of 28 years, mother of three, and a corporate drop-out. I’m a creative minded blogger, business owner and DIYer, and love transforming furniture, cabinets and rooms in my home. I’m a card carrying paint geek, and am always amazed at the power of paint in making budget-friendly updates to your home. I’m a serial house-stalker, and never tire of a great home tour or a before and after renovation. I’m a firm believer in restyling, refreshing and renewing things in your home to make it your own - without breaking the budget. I’ll show you how!
January 4, 2013 at 1:19 pmI haven't officially set any goals, although I have a to-do list a mile long. My one unofficial goal is to walk on the tread mill while reading my blogs in the morning. Maybe that will help me 1. spend less time sitting on tooshy reading blogs and 2. help get me in better shape =)
January 4, 2013 at 1:47 pmI have lots of ideas floating around in my head just havent put pen to paper to organize them yet. This year is a milestone birthday for me so I want to make it really memorable.
Audrey @ Neverending Decorating
January 4, 2013 at 2:59 pmOh my! You're brave for putting that in writing! I have lofty goals in my head but fear writing them out for all to see because then at year end I have to fess up to what I didn't accomplish. LOL Good luck with the projects, I'm already tackling some of my own. Happy New Year!
January 4, 2013 at 4:38 pmI haven't set goals other than to stay organized. I love it when everything is where it belongs! I love your list and look forward to seeing the office and bathroom renovations.
Happy New Year!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper
January 4, 2013 at 5:39 pmthese are all great goals- i agree whole heartedly with so many!!!! and i loved lisa's list, too! she is such a good soul, love that girl!
Tara Bilbao
January 5, 2013 at 3:50 amThank you for the comment on my blog. I, like Tarsha, have a few that I need to put to pen and paper. I have already stated to get my house organized. I also need to spend some organization of myself as well. I tend to concentrate on my kids so much that I would like to start climbing the priority list. You have inspired me to put pen to paper and write my goals down. I may have to steal a few of yours. Happy New Year!
Jacqueline H.
January 5, 2013 at 4:19 amHello…new follower here! I enjoyed reading your resolutions and can especially relate to the need for better skincare. I feel like it's something I've struggled with because there seem to be SO many different products out there, many are expensive and it takes time to see results. This has left me avoiding doing anything at all. If you happen to find something you'd like and wish to share I'm sure it could help us readers!
Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
January 6, 2013 at 7:56 amThat is a lot of wallpaper and good luck with that project!! Lol!! I love the hardwoods in that room, though!
If you are interested, I work with Rodan+Fields Dermatologists and their new anti-aging skincare line is IN-credible, and I've tried everything, nothing else compares. Here is the website(agreenhill.myrandf.com)let me know if you have any questions!!
Good luck with your resolution list! Can't wait to see before and afters!
Lisa @ Shine Your Light
January 8, 2013 at 6:55 pmI'm working backwards today, trying to catch up on my blog reading. Love your list – I could have written it!! Ahhh yes, skincare. I forgot that one but it's currently my obsession. I need a really good new moisturizer…..any ideas? I can relate and appreciate every single one of your goals for your family…I am right there with ya….particularly embracing the ages of my children. And I can't wait to see how your house progresses this year – you have made so many beautiful changes to it since you moved there and I love your ideas. It's going to be a great year over here!! {PS/thanks for the shout out! :)}