One Step Closer – Stocking up on my “Before” Photos

We had our home inspection today.  Really, it was more for our own benefit than anything else, since no actual repairs are going to be paid for by the seller/bank on this short sale transaction.  Thankfully, there is nothing major that needs to be done, but a few minor things to repair that we can manage ourselves.
But, since we were in the house, I figured it would be a good opportunity to take some more photos so that I could feed my decorating imagination with what I want to do with this place!  Besides, I’m tired of looking at the awful listing photos.  These provide fresh inspiration.
Every time I go through this house, I love it more and more.  I can’t wait to get in there and make it OURS.  It has some amazing features that have been on our wish list.  While it’s not decorated horribly by any stretch, it’s just not my taste, so this is providing me a blank canvas for me, which is a bit daunting.  I have so many ideas that it’s not just a matter of transferring all of my decorating choices from our old house to the new one.  I have the opportunity to change the whole look of my house, which is both exciting and overwhelming.  Looking forward to the journey though.  Here is a sneak peek at some of the rooms in our new house. 

Our new home

The rear exterior view of our house.  Love. It.

Double front doors.  I have always wanted double front doors.  With glass as an added bonus!

Great big windows, amazing custom wood details, lots of architectural elements

This coffered ceiling just makes my heart go pitter-pat!

Covered porch (ignore the crap on the floor – previous owners still have stuff in there).  Look at the awesome ceiling instead!

View from family room toward dining room

Another view from the family room

From my kitchen to the family room.

My kitchen (with a view of the inspector’s stuff as well)  Can you see my gas cooktop?

Another kitchen view

Dining Room – great woodwork and details, wallpaper and drapes will GO.

Pretty details on the ceiling as well.
More photos to come – just a preview of the projects I will have on my plate.  This house has great bones, and I’m oh-so-anxious to make it mine.  It has a lot of warm colors, which is fine, but I think I’m going to be changing gears to make it more light and bright.  LOTS of painting in my future, that’s for sure.  Back to the paint chips I go…


  • Reply
    Janell @ Isabella and Max
    November 5, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    What a fabulous home, and you are so smart to get so many before pictures! A great slate to put your stamp on, and yes, I'd be pulling out paint and tearing down wallpaper stat! I adore the covered outdoor space…wow, simply fabulous!
    Congrats! Janell

  • Reply
    Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
    November 6, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    WOw this is such a wonderful home! I can't wait to see what you do!!

  • Reply
    November 9, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    What a beautiful home! I wish we could find a short sale that hadn't been trashed!

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